Will You Be My Valentine Love SMS Quotes Wallpapers

Now we are in the month of Feb 2014 and valentine day 2014 is coming soon. The best thing about this day is we can propose to our beloved ones. And the most interesting line to propose someone is Will You Be My Valentine.

If you are also love someone and want to propose that person then surely you need Will You Be My Valentine love quotes sms and wallpapers. So, in this article we are going to provide you top rated valentines day Quotes and SMS with images and pictures. You can use those pictures as wallpapers and can share them on facebook wall and whatsapp too.

Will You Be My Valentine Love Quotes


L0ve me@ns t0 c0mm!t 0neself w!th0ut gu@r@ntee, t0 g!ve 0neself c0mpletely !n the h0pe th@t 0ur l0ve w!ll pr0duce l0ve !n the l0ved pers0n. L0ve !s @n @ct 0f f@!th, @nd wh0ever !s 0f l!ttle f@!th !s @ls0 0f l!ttle l0ve. – Er!ch Fr0mm
When y0u re@l!ze y0u w@nt t0 spend the rest 0f y0ur l!fe w!th s0meb0dy, y0u w@nt the rest 0f y0ur l!fe t0 st@rt @s s00n @s p0ss!ble.
N0r@ Ephr0n, When H@rry Met S@lly
W!ll y0u l0ve me !n December @s y0u d0 !n M@y,/ W!ll y0u l0ve me !n the g00d 0ld f@sh!0ned w@y? / When my h@!r h@s @ll turned gr@y, / W!ll y0u k!ss me then @nd s@y, / Th@t y0u l0ve me !n December @s y0u d0 !n M@y? – J@mes J. W@lker
"The m!nute ! he@rd my f!rst l0ve st0ry ! st@rted l00k!ng f0r y0u, n0t kn0w!ng h0w bl!nd th@t w@s. L0vers d0n't f!n@lly meet s0mewhere. They're !n e@ch 0ther @ll @l0ng." -J@l@l @d-D!n Rum!
Must, b!d the M0rn @w@ke!
S@d W!nter n0w decl!nes,
E@ch b!rd d0th ch00se @ m@te;
Th!s d@y's S@!nt V@lent!ne's.
F0r th@t g00d b!sh0p's s@ke
Get up @nd let us see
Wh@t be@uty !t sh@ll be
Th@t F0rtune us @ss!gns.
~M!ch@el Dr@yt0n
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